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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:33 pm 
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Paddington Blue wrote:

Just awoke from my seizure to say, "Well Played, Sir"....

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:06 pm 
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excellent Paddy

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:33 am 
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South East Citizen wrote:
BBC's ex best mate must be a fucking genius with his cock :eek:


Sorry I know I come across like a twat, I am aware. I don't chat shit to boast or owt.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:08 am 
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pegging, not for everyone. whoever it is, own up

My partner won't use sex toys to pleasure me anally I love her and am willing to concede on this, but I'm finding her lack of understanding difficult. What should I do?

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Pamela Stephenson Connolly
The Guardian, Monday 8 April 2013 Jump to comments (63)
If it's not a dealbreaker, why persist? Photograph: Mauro Speziale/Getty Images
My partner of three years refuses to consider my request for her to use sex toys to anally pleasure me. My former partner and I enjoyed this, but my new partner said that she found the idea distasteful. She refuses to discuss it and now seems reluctant to even have sex with me. She accuses me of being perverted or a closet homosexual, even though I've pointed out that the prostate is a well-documented pleasure-spot for men. She's also said she might discuss this with her friends, many of whom I know. I wouldn't like any aspect of our sex life discussed without my consent.

I love her and would be happy to relinquish my desires, but I'm finding her lack of understanding difficult.

Anal pleasure is indeed common (for both males and females), however, your partner has made it clear that it's not something she wishes to participate in. Understandably, you are disappointed, but if it's not a dealbreaker, why persist? Her unwillingness may partially be a reaction to a continued longing for something provided by her predecessor, so the sooner you back off, the better.

As for her threat to tell your friends, be very clear with her that you'd consider this a serious betrayal. Urgently try to establish better mutual trust, respect and appreciation; when those things are in place your sex life will naturally become more satisfying – and very likely more adventurous as well.

"It felt like a really pointless version of ketamine: no psychedelic effects, no pleasant slide into rubbery nonsense, just a sudden drop off the cliff of wrongness."
"i'm gonna wreck you so bad we're going to have to change church"

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:12 am 
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Seems to me it is the chocolate motorway or the highway.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:04 pm 
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if you're an ultra-orthodox jew - very little apparently.

Sex manual offered to ultra-Orthodox JewsBy Daniel Estrin

PRI's The World, Jerusalem

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Sex is a touchy subject - not least among Israel's highly conservative ultra-Orthodox Jews. But a therapist in Jerusalem has written a sex guide aimed specifically at this community.

There used to be a sex shop on the way to Dr David Ribner's office in central Jerusalem.

The sign is still there - with big red letters spelling out "Sex Shop, Sex, Love" - but you can barely read it because it's been scratched out.

The shop went out of business. Now there's just one sex shop left in Jerusalem. No surprise for a city brimming with the pious.

Things are quite different in Ribner's discreet office. Here, there is a row of boxes packed with lubricants, vibrators and massage oils, and an unusual collection of books on the wall - The Joy of Sex and The Guide to Getting It On sit side by side with volumes of Jewish religious texts.

I tell Ribner I've never seen a bookshelf quite like it. "There probably aren't any," he says.

Ribner was born in the US. In New York, he received both rabbinic ordination and a doctorate in social work. Then he moved to Israel, where he has been counselling devout Jewish patients for the past 30 years. He also founded a sex therapy training programme at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv.

He says publication of a sex manual for Orthodox Jews was long overdue.

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Start Quote
If you have never seen a movie or read a book, how are you supposed to know what you do?”
End Quote
David Ribner

Orthodox sex therapist
Ultra-Orthodox boys and girls are educated separately, and have little interaction with the opposite sex until their marriage night, when they are expected to consummate their union.

Physical touch with the opposite sex - even something like a handshake - is only permitted with one's spouse and close family members. Access to films and the internet is often restricted.

"We wanted there to be a place where people could say, 'I know nothing and I want to know something,'" says Ribner.

The Newlywed's Guide to Physical Intimacy, which Ribner co-wrote with Orthodox researcher Jennie Rosenfeld, starts with the very basics - explaining, for example, how the body shape of men and women differs.

Ribner says Judaism regards sex as something positive, but it has become taboo to discuss it openly.

"Sex is only appropriate within a marital context," he says. "Beyond that it's not talked about. Because of that, it's become very difficult for people to have any kind of dialogue about it."

Continue reading the main story So this book enters uncharted territory.

Flip through it, and you see no illustrations.

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But there is a sealed envelope on the back flap. It warns readers there are sexual diagrams inside. If you don't want to look at them, you can rip off the envelope and throw it away.

Ribner opens it up to show me what's inside.

There are three diagrams of basic sexual positions.

"We wanted to give people a sense of not only where to put their sexual organs, but where to put their arms and legs," Ribner says. "If you have never seen a movie, never read a book, how are you supposed to know what you do?"

The sketches are simple: outlined figures with no faces.

"We wanted this to be acceptable to the widest possible population with the least risk of it being offensive," he says.

"We did consult many other sex manuals to see what kind of illustrations they use, and we felt they were just too graphic to be comfortable for people who had really had no contact with this aspect of their lives."

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Sex through a hole in a sheet?

It is widely believed that ultra-Orthodox Jews are so concerned about modesty that they have sex through a hole in a sheet.

But this is a total myth, says Ribner: "There has never been a group of Jews anywhere in the world that has advocated having sex through a hole in a sheet. That has never happened. It doesn't happen today, it never happened in history. It's not advocated in any text within the Jewish community."

Listen to David Ribner on Vox Tablet
BBC Religion on Orthodox Judaism
Jerusalem-based sexologist Nachshon David Carmi has begun to keep copies of the book in his office and has recommended it to some of his patients.

"It's a very useful book for people who were raised religious and have never received any form of sexuality education," he says.

"What's unique about this book is that it speaks to the Jewish religious audience openly about sexuality."

Sex is a fundamental part of a marital relationship for Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews - and having a lot of children is desirable.

But most ultra-Orthodox children are educated at special religious schools, where they receive little or no sex education.

This "silence" creates a "barrier of shame" over issues to do with sex, says Carmi - and those who seek to educate themselves on the subject can be seen as "subversive and rebellious".

Ribner's book was released last year in English, and is about to be published in Hebrew - which will make it much more accessible to an Israeli audience.

It took a while to find an open-minded translator of Orthodox Jewish background who could translate the book using language that would appeal to a devout reader, says Ribner.

The book is direct in its language and touches on subjects that may be uncomfortable for some, including oral sex and masturbation.

When the Hebrew edition is released in a few weeks' time, it could create quite a storm, says Menachem Friedman, a professor and sociologist who has written numerous books on Israel's ultra-Orthodox community.

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Think of The Joy of Sex and chances are your mind will drift to an image of a man with a bushy beard and a woman with hairy armpits. It is not a photo, but the nearest thing to it in pen and ink.

In early 1970s Britain, photographs would have been too risqué. But hand-drawn illustrations based on photographs? Maybe society was ready for that.

How the Joy of Sex was illustrated
"I suspect it will meet tremendous negative reaction - at least within the most extreme elements of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community," he says.

But he agrees that such a book is sorely needed, and foresees brisk behind-the-counter sales .

For a newly married couple, it can be very traumatic, he says, to go from a lifetime of near-separation from the opposite sex to a full sexual relationship in just one night.

To test out reaction, I take a copy of the book to an ultra-Orthodox Jewish study centre, where I meet a 22-year-old man in signature black hat and beard. We enter a side room and I show him a copy of Dr Ribner's book.

"I don't know any books like this out there. But I think there is a need to explain this topic and to understand it, and to do it in the right way," he says.

He takes me upstairs, where no-one else is around, to take a look at the illustrations.

Just as he starts removing the diagrams from the envelope in the back flap, he changes his mind and stuffs them back into the envelope.

"I'm not married yet," he says. "I'll wait until it's my time."

"It felt like a really pointless version of ketamine: no psychedelic effects, no pleasant slide into rubbery nonsense, just a sudden drop off the cliff of wrongness."
"i'm gonna wreck you so bad we're going to have to change church"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:02 am 
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Have I fractured my husband's penis by sitting on it?My husband has Peyronie's disease, which is affecting our lovemaking. Is it my fault, and what can I do about it?
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Pamela Stephenson Connolly
The Guardian, Monday 15 July 2013 Jump to comments (187)
Peyronie's disease can have a devastating effect on couples. Photograph: Fuse/Getty Images/Fuse
My husband has been diagnosed with Peyronie's disease. Searching online I learned the alarming symptoms – an increasingly curved penis, possibly requiring surgery. After 14 years of great lovemaking, an erection causes him immense pain and has terminated our sex life. His doctor told him to stop attempting sex while he massages in prescribed cream, but that doesn't seem to be working. I'm frustrated and worried. The doctor even implied it might have been my fault – possibly fracturing my husband's penis by sitting on it too roughly. What can we do?
Unfortunately, the treatment of Peyronie's disease can be long-term, with a fairly slow recovery. Support your husband throughout. Try to maintain a hopeful, positive attitude, and encourage him to follow his doctor's orders to correct the buildup of plaque and/or scar tissue in a penile artery that's causing erectile pain. Penises do sometimes get damaged when an unwitting, on-top partner hasn't realised the other's erection has been partially lost, but try not to blame yourself – there are other possible ways this condition might have developed. For now, it's important to maintain your intimate connection in non-sexual ways. Partners tend to withdraw physically, because they're afraid to do anything that might arouse their men and cause further pain. Try another activity which provides the opportunity to be close, intimate and romantic.

"It felt like a really pointless version of ketamine: no psychedelic effects, no pleasant slide into rubbery nonsense, just a sudden drop off the cliff of wrongness."
"i'm gonna wreck you so bad we're going to have to change church"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:20 am 
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don't have sex with kitchen appliances

Do try not to get your penis stuck in a toaster. A message from the fire brigadeOur #FiftyShadesofRed campaign is designed to remind people we should be attending fires, not tambourines on heads or yet another handcuff incident
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Dave Brown, Tuesday 30 July 2013 13.40 BST Jump to comments (771)
'Using handcuffs? Wear the key round your neck.' Photograph: Action Press / Rex Features
It sounds barmy doesn't it, the London Fire Brigade telling people about men putting their genitals where they shouldn't? But the fact of the matter is people put body parts in strange places all the time, get stuck, and then call us out to release them. We're not just talking one or two; our crews have been called out to over 1,300 "unusual" incidents since 2010 – that's more than one a day.

Granted, they're not all penis-related, but some are very silly: people with loo seats on their heads, a man with his arm trapped in a portable toilet, adults stuck in children's toys, someone with a test tube on his finger. And a lot of handcuffs. More than 25 people call us out every year to release them from these. I don't know whether it's the Fifty Shades effect or not, but I can tell you this, most are Fifty Shades of Red by the time we turn up in a big, red fire engine with our equipment to cut them out.

We launched our campaign, #FiftyShadesofRed, in a bid to highlight some of the less conventional incidents we've attended over the past few years. We tweeted about the incidents from our account, @LondonFire, which certainly raised a few eyebrows, not least among some of my international firefighting colleagues who were surprised to see us putting it all out there, so to speak. This included nine instances of men with rings stuck in awkward places; nine people with their hands stuck in blenders and shredders; numerous people with their hands stuck in letterboxes; a child with a tambourine on its head … the list goes on. We've even been called out to rescue a man whose penis was stuck in a toaster. The mind boggles but the message is serious: use some common sense and remember we're an emergency service and should be treated as such.

It all seems like a bit of fun, but actually when people call us out in these circumstances, they perhaps don't realise that our firefighters are then not available to attend genuine emergencies, such as fires. Yes, accidents do happen, and sometimes situations can't be avoided, but I think an awful lot of these incidents could be prevented if people applied some good, old-fashioned common sense. Using handcuffs? Wear the key round your neck. Potty training a toddler? Watch them like a hawk so they don't end up with it stuck on their head. Like wearing rings? Lovely, but if they're too small, don't force them on.

As well as attending each call being time-consuming, it is also pretty expensive, with each costing just shy of £300 of public money. Yet despite many of these call-outs being a bit wacky, they can also be very stressful and painful to those trapped, and some are potentially life-threatening. People getting trapped in machinery, or falling on to fences and getting impaled spring to mind. I'd like to reassure everyone that if there is a genuine emergency, and someone's in need of our help, we will of course always attend.

Short of asking everyone to live in sterile white boxes, I'll sign off by asking everyone to take care – for your own sake, and for the sake of the fire brigade, whose time is sometimes wasted by people doing daft things.

"It felt like a really pointless version of ketamine: no psychedelic effects, no pleasant slide into rubbery nonsense, just a sudden drop off the cliff of wrongness."
"i'm gonna wreck you so bad we're going to have to change church"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:39 pm 
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gibbonicus_andronicus wrote:
My partner won't use sex toys to pleasure me anally I love her and am willing to concede on this, but I'm finding her lack of understanding difficult. What should I do?

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Pamela Stephenson Connolly
The Guardian, Monday 8 April 2013 Jump to comments (63)
If it's not a dealbreaker, why persist? Photograph: Mauro Speziale/Getty Images
My partner of three years refuses to consider my request for her to use sex toys to anally pleasure me. My former partner and I enjoyed this, but my new partner said that she found the idea distasteful. She refuses to discuss it and now seems reluctant to even have sex with me. She accuses me of being perverted or a closet homosexual, even though I've pointed out that the prostate is a well-documented pleasure-spot for men. She's also said she might discuss this with her friends, many of whom I know. I wouldn't like any aspect of our sex life discussed without my consent.

I love her and would be happy to relinquish my desires, but I'm finding her lack of understanding difficult.

Anal pleasure is indeed common (for both males and females), however, your partner has made it clear that it's not something she wishes to participate in. Understandably, you are disappointed, but if it's not a dealbreaker, why persist? Her unwillingness may partially be a reaction to a continued longing for something provided by her predecessor, so the sooner you back off, the better.

As for her threat to tell your friends, be very clear with her that you'd consider this a serious betrayal. Urgently try to establish better mutual trust, respect and appreciation; when those things are in place your sex life will naturally become more satisfying – and very likely more adventurous as well.

First things first, is it necessary wearing cricket pads to bed?


PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:59 pm 
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prevent sheet burn on his knees as he gets vigorously pegged?

"It felt like a really pointless version of ketamine: no psychedelic effects, no pleasant slide into rubbery nonsense, just a sudden drop off the cliff of wrongness."
"i'm gonna wreck you so bad we're going to have to change church"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:06 pm 
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Danny's Studs wrote:

First things first, is it necessary wearing cricket pads to bed?

Not sure why, but I got an incredibly intense feeling of déja vu when I read your post.

Cricket pads. :think:

I raped myself once. My mind was telling me no but my body, my body was telling me yes.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:19 pm 
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I have sex dreams about my fatherHe never paid much attention to me as a young boy. What does this mean?Follow Sexual healing by emailBetaShare 7
Pamela Stephenson Connolly
The Guardian, Monday 19 August 2013 Jump to comments (51)
Dreams carry symbolic meaning and shouldn't be taken at face value. Photograph: Todd Warnock/Corbis

Sometimes I have sex dreams about my father. It's quite pleasant during the dream, but when I wake I feel ashamed and disgusted. I remember having unexplainable desire for him: he never paid much attention to me, spending a lot of time with my sister instead. Today I consider myself a gay man, though people keep saying that I'm just looking for masculine attention. During my childhood he was a sex symbol in my head, though I've never talked about this to anyone. Is it possible I'm not gay, but just have psychological issues?

Dreams carry symbolic meaning and shouldn't be taken at face value. If you dream about someone you know, the dream is usually about some aspect of yourself. And dreams with sexual content are not necessarily about sex. In your recurring dream, your father probably represents some part of you that you wish to know more intimately; your longing for him is matched by your longing to know yourself. Dreams hold valuable clues to understanding our unconscious minds, and since you're troubled by these dreams and also seem conflicted by your sexual orientation, you could seek answers though dream work. A psychodynamic psychotherapist or psychoanalyst could help you make sense of your dreams, address your childhood trauma, and help you understand the complex relationship between familial rejection and desire. The work ahead is not so much about: "Am I really gay?" but rather: "Who exactly am I?"

awright, who is it, own up

"It felt like a really pointless version of ketamine: no psychedelic effects, no pleasant slide into rubbery nonsense, just a sudden drop off the cliff of wrongness."
"i'm gonna wreck you so bad we're going to have to change church"

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:23 pm 
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I had a situation earlier I need clarification on. There is a customer of mine I have called upon twice now, 'Alyssa' the reception/admin girl is of much interest to me. The reason for my seeking advice is this, although hot, and sexy, a beautiful boat race, long hair, totally hose-downable eye lashes, snappy dresser, funny, massive cans (proper massive), smart. All of that. The bit I have in question is this; she has some kinda walking impediment. As in, a gimped walked, not severe but noticeable an basically a disablement. As I drove away today, thinking about ALL of her attributes I pondered: could I be THAT guy, could I be her guy that is jokey about her disability with her when we are alone? Could I be the dude that walks slowly with her so she keeps up?

Also, and in fairness to her, is she willing to go out with a 40yr old dude, when she is like 30, does she have dozens of suitors?! I DON'T KNOW!


PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:41 pm 
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I think you should walk slowly and not mention her impediment.
or maybe just casually ask ifher problem affects her sexual performance.
Then if she says "why, are you interested?"** you can go into serious game mode.

** this question could read differently without the comma

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:51 pm 
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Danny's Studs wrote:
I had a situation earlier I need clarification on. There is a customer of mine I have called upon twice now, 'Alyssa' the reception/admin girl is of much interest to me. The reason for my seeking advice is this, although hot, and sexy, a beautiful boat race, long hair, totally hose-downable eye lashes, snappy dresser, funny, massive cans (proper massive), smart. All of that. The bit I have in question is this; she has some kinda walking impediment. As in, a gimped walked, not severe but noticeable an basically a disablement. As I drove away today, thinking about ALL of her attributes I pondered: could I be THAT guy, could I be her guy that is jokey about her disability with her when we are alone? Could I be the dude that walks slowly with her so she keeps up?

Also, and in fairness to her, is she willing to go out with a 40yr old dude, when she is like 30, does she have dozens of suitors?! I DON'T KNOW!

when she spreads her legs for you danny, you can say " i didn't mean for you spread em that wide luv", when she takes her false leg off and puts it on the dresser.. 8-) *

*i think its a old chubby brown gag that/ apologizes for its lameness...

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:07 pm 
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Don't go all BBC on us. We need pics

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:41 pm 
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Danny's Studs wrote:
I had a situation earlier I need clarification on. There is a customer of mine I have called upon twice now, 'Alyssa' the reception/admin girl is of much interest to me. The reason for my seeking advice is this, although hot, and sexy, a beautiful boat race, long hair, totally hose-downable eye lashes, snappy dresser, funny, massive cans (proper massive), smart. All of that. The bit I have in question is this; she has some kinda walking impediment. As in, a gimped walked, not severe but noticeable an basically a disablement. As I drove away today, thinking about ALL of her attributes I pondered: could I be THAT guy, could I be her guy that is jokey about her disability with her when we are alone? Could I be the dude that walks slowly with her so she keeps up?

Also, and in fairness to her, is she willing to go out with a 40yr old dude, when she is like 30, does she have dozens of suitors?! I DON'T KNOW!

Well, you both have issues. Difference is, hers are kind of cutesy and make her friends love her even more, while yours are darker than satan's bowels and make your friends feel uncomfortable.

tl;dr: she sounds really nice. you should probably stay well away. :(

I raped myself once. My mind was telling me no but my body, my body was telling me yes.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:01 pm 
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from the 6th Jan 2011:

Danny's Studs wrote:
I ever tell you lot about the 18yr old Kraut girl I fucked the arse off in Amsterdam about 2 years ago? It's not for the feint of heart.

Come on Studs you cunt. This has gone on long enough. :mad:

I raped myself once. My mind was telling me no but my body, my body was telling me yes.

 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:49 am 
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Bastard wrote:
from the 6th Jan 2011:

Danny's Studs wrote:
I ever tell you lot about the 18yr old Kraut girl I fucked the arse off in Amsterdam about 2 years ago? It's not for the feint of heart.

Come on Studs you cunt. This has gone on long enough. :mad:

My finest hour. I remember it often./wanking

I'll post a pic of her on the weekend. :)


PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:22 pm 
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"It felt like a really pointless version of ketamine: no psychedelic effects, no pleasant slide into rubbery nonsense, just a sudden drop off the cliff of wrongness."
"i'm gonna wreck you so bad we're going to have to change church"

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