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Author:  BiscuitBlueCheese [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

The reps from Haiti and Congo of all fucking countries laid into us afterwards for trying to rock the boat. As long as FIFA is set up as it is all the small bumfuck nations have no need whatsoever to change it.

Author:  Bert Trautmanns neck brace [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I see Blatter was elected in a secret ballot.
No chance of any fiddling there then.

Author:  BiscuitBlueCheese [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Er, no need Bert.


Author:  Milnerinho [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Barna Azul [ Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

BiscuitBlueCheese wrote:
Er, no need Bert.


About as democratic as most African Nations then.

I also heard Blatter sought council with Robert Mugabe over how to win the Election!

Author:  Timpblue [ Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

i think we should fuck them off,

no one really cares about the england team any more, we may even still be able to compete in the euros anyway, just decline to take part in the world cup. we could play exhibtion games instead.

to be lectured to by some of the fuckwits that have had a go at us today is just too much - bollox to the lot of of them

Author:  cooder [ Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Milnerinho wrote:
It is a bit scary to imagine just how corrupt FIFA must be if only 2 out of 208 FAs think Sepp Blatter doesn't have the moral authority to continue.

Not to even agree to have things accessed by an independent arbiter?!

Blatter must have the goods on a hell of a lot of folks.

This total corruption tied in with England's band of shit fuckers has totally put me off International football and I have no interest in it.

Pretty much my sentiments exactly.

Just surprised England haven't got something held over them. Or maybe a lot of these countries fear getting on the wrong side of FIFA rather than being chin deep in shit themselves

Author:  Tresidentevil [ Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is what bloody happens when you have lots of little countries. They are total sheep, who only care about their own welfare. It's like Eurovision all over again. I'M GOING TO WRITE A LETTER!

That will show them!!!11!!

If we got the world cup would anybody care?

Author:  Blue_in_Exile [ Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

What would the repercussions be if the FA did end up either being kicked out of, or leaving FIFA?

Would it really have an inpact on anything except the national team, or would it also cause problems with the leagues?

Author:  hesherehesthere [ Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Blue_in_Exile wrote:
What would the repercussions be if the FA did end up either being kicked out of, or leaving FIFA?

Would it really have an inpact on anything except the national team, or would it also cause problems with the leagues?

I can imagine Platini would spit his dummy out and kick us out of Europe. I imagine he'd like nothing better.

Author:  BiscuitBlueCheese [ Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

It would have repurcussions everywhere, for as much shit as FIFA do they're also involved in basically every level of football so I think all the player contracts would cease to mean anything and they could all go and play for the FAI if they really wanted to.

Author:  Bert Trautmanns neck brace [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Blue_in_Exile wrote:
What would the repercussions be if the FA did end up either being kicked out of, or leaving FIFA?

Would it really have an inpact on anything except the national team, or would it also cause problems with the leagues?

I suspect it will mean that we would not be able to have teams in the Champions league,because there will be a clause somewhere saying that your club must be affiliated to an association affiliated to FIFA

Author:  Blue_in_Exile [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Bert Trautmanns neck brace wrote:
I suspect it will mean that we would not be able to have teams in the Champions league,because there will be a clause somewhere saying that your club must be affiliated to an association affiliated to FIFA

It would be just typical that the season that we finally qualify for the CL, the FA get kicked out of FIFA and all English teams are banned from European competitions. :(

Author:  Tresidentevil [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol that would be the very definition of typical City.

Author:  BiscuitBlueCheese [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

said and done fifa special

August 2010

• Sepp – who says Fifa used the South Africa World Cup to "give hope to the world that through football we can become better human beings" – prepares to run for four more years in June's election. Among his early backers: Qatar's Mohamed bin Hammam, dismissing talk that he'll challenge: "Let me be clear. I will be backing Sepp Blatter to remain in office. He's my very good friend!"
David Beckham

• Focus shifts to the 2018/2022 vote in December. England 2018's bid team send David Beckham to Trinidad to coach 200 young players; Holland 2018 send Ruud Gullit there to train 25 coaches. Trinidad's Jack Warner says the gestures are "very heartening".
• Leaked documents show Fifa demanding all bidding nations guarantee them "full tax exemption" on "all revenues, profits, income, expenses, investments, and any and all kind of payments, in cash or otherwise".
• Elsewhere, Fifa executive Amos Adamu fails to appear in court in Nigeria on contempt charges, two months after telling the press: "The public sees every football administrator as a corrupt person and I cannot explain why. We should be more transparent to prove them wrong."

• Adamu, cleared in Nigeria, is caught in the Sunday Times sting trying to sell his 2018 vote. Sepp suspends him and five others, then nails the real villains: "Is it appropriate how the media trapped some members of the committee? Why did they do it? We talk about fair play in sport – that must apply to the media too." US member Chuck Blazer says the press must back off and stop creating "scams", while former executive Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder says the scandal has been overplayed: "Look, Fifa is not a pile of corrupt people. It is just that some of them took a wrong turn."
• Meanwhile, Fifa donate $25k from their $1.2bn reserves to ex-Togo goalkeeper Kodjovi Obilale, 10 months after he was shot at the Africa Cup of Nations and left unable to pay $100k medical bills. Following negative press, Fifa up the donation. Obilale: "It's a rotten world."
Amos Adamu

• Fifa ban six officials, including Adamu. Sepp: "I'm very satisfied. All doubts have been cast aside."
• Adamu, meanwhile, sends a text to all his phone contacts. "Hello, this is Amos. My email account has been hacked ... Anyone asking for money on my behalf is lying. Please do not send money to anyone. Thank you."
• Elsewhere, Spain's Marca quotes Bin Hammam as saying a vote-trade between Qatar 2022 and Spain-Portugal 2018 would be "not at all illegal ... lots of bids do it". Bin Hammam says the report is a "fabricated deception"; Fifa clear both bids of collusion.

Russia wins 2018, Qatar wins 2022
• Sepp says he's "a happy man" that Fifa is breaking barriers in "new lands" (though "gay people should refrain from sexual activities" in Qatar). Argentina's Julio Grondona denies he backed Qatar only after they offered him $78.4m to ease his FA's debt crisis: "Enough with all this. The belittling of my good name must end." England are trounced after Sepp warns voters of "the evils of the media", while general secretary Jérôme Valcke says the process was "perfectly organised and perfectly transparent". Jack Warner says: "Fifa lives by its principle of fair play."
Julio Grondona

• Grondona flies home to Argentina to deny claims he threatened a referee who alleged "systemic corruption": "I hardly know this referee. Nothing can be proven."
• Bin Hammam says he'll run against Sepp after all, on a pro-transparency ticket. Sepp reacts by pledging "a new anti-corruption unit" – then backs down four days later after "unease" among his executives.
• Sepp also attacks the International Olympic Committee for launching an inquiry into new claims against African Confederation member Issa Hayatou ("The IOC? They have no transparency! They manage their money like a housewife"), and says he'll pay new $250k bonuses to all Fifa members ahead of the voting in June.

• Accounts confirm Fifa made a $631m tax-free profit from South Africa, backing Sepp's verdict that the summer was "a love story... a love story between the African continent and me".
• He also opens up about collusion in the 2018/2022 process, now the dust has settled. "I'll be honest. There was a bundle of votes between Spain and Qatar. It was there. But it didn't work."
Mohamed bin Hammam

• Bin Hammam steps up the pace, insisting he'll bring an "absolute ethical, democratic and transparent environment" to Fifa – two years after his then Asian Confederation election rival Chung Mong-joon said Hammam represented "a serious lack of transparency and democracy" and "behaves like a mental". Bin Hammam also offers to double Sepp's grants to voters and reassures the football family that the contest will be clean: "President Blatter is a colleague and friend."
• Sepp, meanwhile, embarks on a pre-election tour of Asia, meeting Zaw Zaw, head of Burma's FA and a key backer of the ruling military junta linked to extrajudicial killings, disappearances, torture and rape.

• Under pressure from Bin Hammam, Sepp brings back his anti-corruption unit proposal, promising a surprise for voters at June's congress. "I will present something very special!"
• Chung says he now backs the previously "mental" Bin Hammam: "He is the right man to bring change," while Bin Hammam calls on the FA for support. "I hope they trust me. Why shouldn't they?"
• In Brazil, Ricardo Teixeira, head of the 2014 World Cup, says calls from politicians for an inquiry into alleged financial irregularities on his committee are "an absurd insult".
Chuck Blazer

• With congress approaching, Panorama, Lord Triesman and Blazer take the number of Fifa executives denying corruption to 10, including Warner, Teixeira and Bin Hammam, who withdraws his candidacy. The FA abstain on a point of principle (six months after calling Panorama "an embarrassment to the BBC") while Warner says the allegations made him "laugh like hell". Sepp, cleared of counter-claims, disowns his executives ("I didn't choose them"), and again nails the real problem: "The British press have long been very critical."

• Congress ends. As delegates praise Sepp, Grondona says the English press were "more busy lying than telling the truth". Then he flies home to contest a lawsuit accusing him of "fraudulent economic interests". Sepp says that, after a tough few months, it's time to move on. "The Fifa ship is back on course! Now, let us make some headway."

Author:  NoddytheAdlingtonBlue [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Bert Trautmanns neck brace wrote:
I suspect it will mean that we would not be able to have teams in the Champions league,because there will be a clause somewhere saying that your club must be affiliated to an association affiliated to FIFA

Champions League is a UEFA competition?

Author:  Bert Trautmanns neck brace [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

NoddytheAdlingtonBlue wrote:
Champions League is a UEFA competition?

True but Uefa is affilliated to FIFA

Author:  Gallagheresque [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Seems Fifa have got their priorities back in order, England down to 8th now, then again i still don't think we deserve to be top 10.

1 Spain 1605 1 Up 42
2 Netherlands 1571 -1 Down -25
3 Germany 1290 0 Equal -40
4 Uruguay 1184 1 Up 10
5 Portugal 1158 3 Up 98
6 Italy 1142 1 Up 32
7 Brazil 1132 -1 Down -24
8 England 1089 -4 Down -88
9 Croatia 1057 1 Up 48
10 Argentina 1024 -1 Down 7

Author:  Barna Azul [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Gallagheresque wrote:
Seems Fifa have got their priorities back in order, England down to 8th now, then again i still don't think we deserve to be top 10.

1 Spain 1605 1 Up 42
2 Netherlands 1571 -1 Down -25
3 Germany 1290 0 Equal -40
4 Uruguay 1184 1 Up 10
5 Portugal 1158 3 Up 98
6 Italy 1142 1 Up 32
7 Brazil 1132 -1 Down -24
8 England 1089 -4 Down -88
9 Croatia 1057 1 Up 48
10 Argentina 1024 -1 Down 7

As long as I can remember these have been utter crap!

Author:  Tresidentevil [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sure we deserve top 10. It takes being top 2 or 3 to win the world cup and we're not that. We're in the right spot.

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